How to use this site

Hello! In this blog I publish exercises for electric guitar, mainly for rock, where you can increase your skills as quick as possible. It contains some description for each exercise and directions on how to use each technique.

The way that you should be used it is as follow:
1) For each exercise use metronome.
2) Increase slowly the metronome.
3) Try to listen of what you play not to see it, if it is necessary close your eyes.
4) Imagine the way you want to hear your sound and adapt, never playing to increase only your speed.
5) After playing a few days press yourself but not too much.

If you are struggling in an exercise you can reduce the metronome below 60 or even playing fewer notes per beat than it writes the tab.

Some exercises take time, a lot of time if you're new to guitar. Espacially, when you start new exercises give time in your mind and do not rush, play slowly and clearly, it would take almost a week to adjust.

If you want to play too fast there are three tips:
1) Relax
2) Play by making a small corner in your pick and not playing parall to the strings
3) Play the same way whether you play slowly or quickly, do not change according to your playing speed.